Tuesday, December 18, 2012

Starlight, Starbright, In Search of Madonna... excerpts from T. Semakula's upcoming book titled "The Food Stamp Bandit"

Starlight, Starbright, In Search of Madonna...excerpts from T. Semakula's upcoming book titled "The Food Stamp Bandit"

Has anyone seen Madonna? She was the material girl that kicked it in thrift store clothes, lace hand gloves with the cut out fingers, mismatch earrings, and a fake mole. She was the one that sashayed across the stage in her lace drawers, worn out Doctor Martins, and a bullet bra. I’m talking about the Madonna, the one that had me hooked when she belted out “Borderline” and showed any respectful black chic how to wax poetic to an r&b cut. She was the New Yorker that was from upstate, an undercover Italian who was too cool for her hometown. She was soo fly that the diehard urban Nuyoricans claimed her as the queen of the city.

...So, where is she?  It would be a joke to say that she has popped up inside the guises of Lady Gaga. Any diehard Madonna fan would be quick to say that there is no comparison. Lady Gaga, the new Madonna? What?

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